C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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FALLOUT for the H19
This is a logical extension of "flyby.c"
written by Leor Zolman
July 18, 1980 (I promise to stop playing with the H19
and put more work into the v1.4 code
#include "bdscio.h"
#define MAXTHINGS 50 /* Maximum # of objects on the screen
at once */
#define INACTIVE 0
struct thing {
char what; /* Either an Ascii value, or INACTIVE */
char rev; /* True if character to be displayed in reverse */
int rowp; /* Row position of thing */
int colp; /* Column position of thing */
int speedd; /* Down speed */
int speeda; /* Across speed (signed to indeciate left or right) */
char trail; /* True if displaying trail */
char zigzag; /* True if zigzag-ing */
int zigmag; /* if zigzag-ing, magnitude of zig and zag */
int zigpos; /* Count of how many zigs or zags have been done */
char halt; /* goes true when user aborts */
char **argv;
struct thing thingtab[MAXTHINGS], *thingie;
int dspeedt[20], aspeedt[20]; /* Tables of possible speeds */
int i,nthings; /* loop variable, and # of active things */
char inrev; /* true if in reverse video */
char trails; /* true if displaying all trails */
char insert_mode; /* true when insert mode is activated */
char point_source; /* true if all things coming from one point */
int source_point; /* if point_source true, the horiz pos */
printf("Welcome to H19 Fallout!\r\nWritten by Leor Zolman 7/80");
point_source = trails = insert_mode = FALSE;
start: do {
puts(CLEARS); puts(INTOREV);
puts("\33y5"); /* cursor on */
printf(" How many things should I display (1-%d,",
srand1(" or q to quit) ? \b\b");
if (!scanf("%d",&nthings)) {
} while (nthings < 1 || nthings > MAXTHINGS);
puts(CLEARS); puts(OUTAREV);
halt = inrev = FALSE;
puts("\33x5"); /* cursor off */
for (i=0; i<nthings; i++) thingtab[i].what = INACTIVE;
while (!halt) {
if (!(rand() % 99)) { /* if point source off, make */
point_source = TRUE; /* it tough to get it turned */
source_point = rand() % 79; /* on... */
/* but easier to turn off */
if (point_source && !(rand() % 50)) point_source = FALSE;
if ( trails && !(rand() % 2))
trails = FALSE; /* if trails on, lean toward turning off */
else if (!trails && !(rand() % (MAXTHINGS - nthings + 20)))
trails = TRUE; /* if trails off, lean to keeping 'em off */
if (!(rand() % ((2 * MAXTHINGS + 5) - nthings * 2 ))) puts(CLEARS);
if (!(rand() % 200)) {
puts(insert_mode ? "\033O" : "\033@");
insert_mode = !insert_mode;
for (i=0; i<nthings; i++) { /* now process each thing */
thingie = thingtab[i]; /* get pointer to current thing */
if (!thingie -> what) { /* if it is inactive, create it: */
thingie -> what = rand() % 96 + ' ';
thingie -> rev = rand() % 2;
thingie -> trail = rand() % 30 ? trails : !trails;
thingie -> speedd = dspeedt[rand() % 20];
thingie -> speeda = aspeedt[rand() % 20] *
((rand() % 2) * 2 - 1);
if (thingie -> zigzag = !(rand() % 5)) {
thingie -> zigmag =
(rand() % 25 + 2) / abs(thingie -> speeda);
thingie -> zigpos = thingie -> zigmag / 2;
thingie -> rowp = 0;
if (!point_source)
thingie -> colp = thingie -> zigzag ?
thingie->zigzag / 2 + 1 +
rand() % (TWIDTH - thingie -> zigmag) :
rand() % TWIDTH;
thingie -> colp = source_point;
else { /* else move it down one iteration */
if (!thingie -> trail) { /* if don't need trails, */
if (inrev) { /* erase last position. */
puts(OUTAREV); /* no reverse video */
gotoxy(thingie -> rowp, thingie -> colp,' ');
if (thingie -> zigzag && /* if in zigzag mode */
++thingie -> zigpos > thingie -> zigmag) {
thingie -> zigpos = 0; /* then reverse dir */
thingie -> speeda = -thingie -> speeda;
thingie -> rowp += thingie -> speedd;
thingie -> colp += thingie -> speeda;
if ( thingie -> rowp > (TLENGTH-1) /* if outa range */
|| thingie -> colp < 0
|| thingie -> colp > (TWIDTH-1) )
thingie -> what = INACTIVE; /* then turn off */
else {
if (thingie -> rev) { /* not out of range; */
if (!inrev) { /* if a reverse char, */
puts(INTOREV); /* make sure we're in */
inrev = TRUE; /* reverse video mode */
else if (inrev) { /* if not a rev char */
puts(OUTAREV); /* make sure we're in */
inrev--; /* normal video mode */
gotoxy(thingie -> rowp, thingie -> colp,
thingie -> what);
goto start;
char c2;
if (y <= 78 || x != 23) {
putchar (ESC);
putchar ('Y');
putchar (x + ' ');
putchar (y + ' ');
putchar (c);
if (!bios(2)) return;
if ((c2 = bios(3)) != 0x13) halt = 1;
if (c2 == 0x13)
while (1) {
while (!bios(2)) rand();
if (bios(3) == 0x11) break;